A biography is simply an account of someone’s life written by someone else.
I have been asked many times to help people with their biography.
It can be short, or it can be long. I have made people happy, and those people have even gotten emotional.
I believe it is not robotic and you must learn about the person. You need to know them personally and feel their life regarding childhood to adulthood. What makes them tick?
Life facts are relevant including childhood, education, early adulthood, career choices, and self-views.
I get them to try and answer the following questions:
• What city, state or country were you born in?
• How far did you progress in your education? If you graduated from a college which one and where is it?
• What were the early years of your career like?
• What company do you work for now? What is your title? How long have you worked there?
• What are your major achievements?
• What motivates you?
• What are you most proud of?
• Have you done any writing or public speaking?
• What is unique or unusual about you (personal information that is playful or quirky)?
• What are some adjectives that describe you?
• Did you overcome obstacles? Take risks?
• What hobbies do you enjoy?
• What is your family like?
• Is there an event or events that shaped your life?
After these questions, I roughly lay out the paragraphs. And then I ask myself?
What do I find interesting about this person?
What about their answers to these questions would interest other people. I generally find new authors are not willing to put themselves out there. They are still worried about what other people will think.
The biography should be unique and interesting. The public loves authentic people.
Other people’s thoughts are important but should not be the overriding factor about what is written.